
DolARK is an experimental project to solve heterogenous agents models with infinitely lived agents. It relies on Dolo to model individual agents behavious and extends its modeling language to describe distributions of agents and aggregate dynamics.

We aim to support the following basic cases:

  • heterogenous preferences, i.i.d. idiosyncratic shocks no aggregate risk
  • homogenous preferences, perturbation w.r.t. aggregate risk
  • homogenous preferences, dimension reduction of the state-space a la Krussell-Smith

Frequently Asked Questions

No question was ever asked. Certainly because it's all very clear.

Developper Corner

Contribute to the documentation

Documentation is contained in the docs subdirectory. In order to develop it locally:

pip install mkdocs
pip install pymdown-extensions

Then mkdocs serve from within DolARK repository. On a regular basis, latest version is deployed to github pages pages (for now) using mkdocs gh-deploy.

Notebooks are written as Python files and can be opened with Jupyter using the jupytext extension.